Information Requirements
Complete project proposals are required to facilitate the NMRIRB screening processes and should include information about the proposed project, where the proposed location will be, how the project will be carried out, the timing of all project related activities and other supporting information to assist in evaluating the potential for impacts to occur from the proposed activities.
Project proposals should be designed to provide plain-language information in sufficient detail to ensure the NMRIRB and the general public can fully understand the scope of the proposed activities and how their potential impacts would be managed by the proponent.
Proponents are required to open an online account on the NMRIRB proponent application system found at:
In terms of an overview of information requirements, the NMRIRB requires the following information:
Project Map – uploaded shapefiles (or drawn online – shapefiles preferred) of all project related activities including ship tracks, areas of overnighting, cleanup areas, excavation areas, etc. All activities will have separate geometry / shapefile;
Applicant – applicant information, project name, project type (camp, access, national park, site cleanup/remediation, etc.;
Activities – a listing of all project activities (camp location, exploration areas, etc.;
Community involvement – any community involvement, meetings, information packages sent, etc including organizations met with and date contacted;
Authorizations – any territorial, federal licenses, permits or authorizations required for the project to proceed;
Details – non-technical project proposals description, project schedule, personnel requirements, accommodation (temporary, permanent, onsite / offsite, modes of transportation (air, water, land);
Material Use – material use, type of equipment used, fuel uses, hazardous materials and chemicals;
Water Use – water uses (obtain water for camp, crossing watercourse, industrial purposes, divert a water course);
Waste – waste management activities, example drilling and type of waste is waste water (anticipated amounts, methods of disposal, treatment procedures);
Additional Information – description of existing environment (physical, biological, socioeconomic), identification of impacts and proposed mitigation measures, any cumulative effects expected, and then specific information on types of activities previously identified (all weather roads for example);
Impacts – a proponent perspective on physical (ground stability, permafrost, etc.) biological (vegetation, wildlife) and socio-economic (employment, human health) impacts foreseen;
Project related Documents
The online application system will allow the proponent to upload any project related file which may include remediation plans, waste management plan, safety plan / emergency plan, wildlife deterrent plan, etc.
Nunavik Inuit Lands (NIL)
The NMRIRB will screen projects both in the marine areas and on land within the NMR. Approximately 80% of the lands within the NMR are privately held (surface and sub-surface) by the Makivvik Corporation in fee simple on behalf of the Nunavik Inuit. As land-owners of these islands, and portions of islands, Makivik Corporation requires Entry and Access permits to be obtained by project proponents and will require a Release of Liability if proponents are granted entry and access to Nunavik Inuit Lands (NIL). In addition, Makivik Corporation will reserve the right to negotiate further terms and conditions as they see fit.
The entry and access application for access to Nunavik Inuit Lands can be found at